Educators are encouraged to teach math in context
Teaching math in context -- rather than in isolation -- is among the strategies educators should employ in their effort to improve students' math achievement, says Linda Gojak, president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. "We are moving away from traditional methods to help kids deeply understand and identify why these things [methods] work; a lot of kids don't get math, and also for them to explain the reasoning, and not just [give] the right answer," Gojak said following a teach-in at a school in Chicago, where NCTM recently held its Regional Conference and Exposition.
Mentres os americanos inciden na necesidade de impartir matemáticas contextualizadas- máis que ailladas- hai quen segue a insistir en ensinar matemáticas e ciencia en contextos non familiares aos alumnos.
Calif. school district connects art, math
Students in the Pasadena Unified School District in California are learning creative problem-solving skills through the district's Artful Connections with Math program. The program brings together classroom teachers and local artists. In one project, students were asked to create a sculpture using only the art supplies they could afford to purchase. "The sooner we can teach our kids how all these subjects interweave, I think the better off we are," teaching artist Melanie Moore Bermudez said. KPCC-FM (Los Angeles)/Pass/Fail blog (text and audio) (5/10)
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