If you’re a teacher or administrator who has been to an educational conference or sat in on a product demo featuring the latest classroom innovation, you know that the intersection of schools and technology is littered with buzzwords.
From mLearning to mobile apps to asynchronous instruction, the ed-tech landscape is equal parts high-gloss marketing and roll-up-your-sleeves instruction.
In the face of increased pressure to improve student performance, how can K–12 educators cut through the promotional hyperbole and put the focus where it should be — on classroom improvements?
It helps if you speak the language. This Ed Tech Cheat Sheet, which we first encountered on the Mr. G Online edublog, features 24 frequently used terms that teachers and other educators can reference when wading into discussions about the latest trends in educational technology.
Are there any other terms you’d like to see on this list? Let us know in the comments section.
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